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Introducing The Definda Score

Email newsletter issued 28 Jul 2022 - Subscribe

Did you know that we test every crypto platform thoroughly before listing them on DeFinda? We use the wallets, try the savings and loan products, do some exchanges and make some withdrawals. All this information is summarised in our detailed platform reviews.

Now to make it even easier to compare platforms, we have added DeFinda Scores to our reviews.

The DeFinda Score shows at a glance how strong each platform is in each of the key aspects that we assess. Each aspect is assessed objectively and impartially, and we provide a detailed report explaining how each score was arrived at. We have paid particular attention to risk management and withdrawals, two key issues over the recent months.

Each platform has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Some platforms have focused on excellent savings rates, but a small selection of cryptos. Others have focused on supporting as many cryptos as possible but offer less competitive rates. Our side by side comparisons show at a glance where these strengths and weaknesses lie.

You can do your own side by side comparisons of any platform just by ticking the compare box on the platforms page:


AQRU continues to launch new products at a pace. This week they have launched AQRU Ten, which is effectively a fund of the top ten cryptocurrencies, excluding stablecoins. By making a single investment you can gain exposure to a balanced portfolio of the top ten cryptocurrencies. 

AQRU claim that exposure to a balanced portfolio has outperformed holding Bitcoin alone.

The portfolio is balanced according to the marketcap of the top coins. Each week the portfolio is rebalanced on this basis. This means bitcoin will be your biggest holding, with ethereum second, and these two coins will make up the bulk of your investment. You will then have a small investment in the other top ten coins such as Solana and Cardano.

The product has a simple fee structure. There is a one off charge of 0.35% when you buy into the fund and another 0.35% fee when you sell the fund. There are no other fees associated with the product.

YouHodler Dual

YouHodler has also launched an interesting high-yield product this week. YouHodler Dual is an ultra short-term high yield investment product that allows you to take a position on a currency pair, with a guaranteed return irrespective of whether the pair increases or decreases in price.

The term of the investment is very short, ranging from just 12 hours to 2 days. The yield offered is very high, with some currency pairs offering yields of over 300% APR. The yield is stated on an annualised basis, so the actual yield that you earn for a one-day position will only be a fraction of this. Nonetheless, the yield being offered is substantial.

You are guaranteed to receive the yield irrespective of whether the price of the currency pair goes up or down. However, the currency you are paid out in varies depending on the price movement.

Let's say you take a position on the BTC/USDT pair. If the price of BTC measured in USDT goes up during the term then you will receive your payout in USDT. If the price goes down then you will receive your payout in BTC. Either way, you will receive the stated APR.

YouHodler Dual is an interesting product and offers substantial returns. However if you want to be sure that your investment currency (say BTC) is not converted into a different currency (say USDT) at the end of the term then this might not be the right product for you.

Finally, the market seems to be holding steady this week and maybe even showing some slight optimism. The FED is hinting that there aren't too many more rate rises to come, and contagion from the various crypto crises earlier this year is hopefully coming to an end.

We welcome any feedback, so please just email us at if you'd like to get in touch.

Matt & the DeFinda team

Best Instant Access Bitcoin Staking Yields

This week's best instant access Bitcoin staking yields. The table shows the maximum deposit that the rate is available for. Deposits above these levels will typically attract lower rates.
BTC (NEXO payout)
BTC (NEXO payout)
BTC (NEXO payout)
BTC (NEXO payout)
View All Bitcoin Staking Yields

Highest CeFi Yields

This week's highest CeFi yields. These are highest yields we could find across all our listed CeFi crypto platforms and centralised exchanges.
30% APR Go
25% APR Go
23% APR Go
20% APR Go
18% APY Go
18% APY Go
18% APY Go
18% APY Go
18% APY Go
18% APY Go
Note: Whilst some coins offer high yield it is important to consider the price trend of the coin and its fundamentals. Yield income could be offset by a drop in the value of the coin.
View All CeFi Staking Yields

Highest DeFi Yields

This week's highest DeFi yields. These are highest yields we could find across all our listed DeFi crypto platforms and decentralised exchanges.
11.8% APY Go
7.31% APY Go
2.89% APY Go
2.64% APY Go
1.93% APY Go
1.08% APY Go
0.7% APY Go
0.25% APY Go
0.24% APY Go
0.22% APY Go
Note: Whilst some coins offer high yield it is important to consider the price trend of the coin and its fundamentals. Yield income could be offset by a drop in the value of the coin.
View All DeFi Staking Yields

Biggest 7 Day Crypto Price Movements

The biggest price increases and decreases this week across the top 100 cryptos. Change in price over the last 7 days shown.
Gainers Losers
Neo logo NEO 42%
MultiversX logo EGLD 36.8%
The Graph logo GRT 28.7%
Injective logo INJ 28%
Cronos logo CRO 25%
Ronin logo RON 24%
ImmutableX logo IMX 23.6%
Arweave logo AR 23.2%
KuCoin Token logo KCS 22.5%
Aave logo AAVE 19%

Biggest 7 Day Movements Against BTC

The biggest 7 day price increases and decreases of the top 100 altcoins against bitcoin. This shows whether an altcoin has done better or worse than bitcoin over the last 7 days.
Gainers Losers
NEO 41%
Bitcoin logo EGLD 36%
Litecoin logo GRT 28%
Namecoin logo INJ 27.2%
Terracoin logo CRO 24.2%
Peercoin logo IMX 22.7%
Feathercoin logo AR 22.3%
Freicoin logo RON 21.8%
Ixcoin logo KCS 21.8%
Digitalcoin logo AAVE 18.3%
View All Coins

Cheapest Crypto Loan Rates

This week's cheapest loan rates from the thousands of crypto loan products that we track. Use our loan calculator to fully explore available loan, collateral, LTV and term options. We have included just one example loan from AAVE, but AAVE offers many other highly competitive loan rates.
LTV Collateral Accepted Rate
70% 0.32327% APY Go
50% 7.9% APR Go
50% 12% APR Go
25% 13.9% APR Go
30% 13.9% APR Go
33% 13.9% APR Go
35% 13.9% APR Go
40% 13.9% APR Go
60% 13.9% APR Go
70% 13.9% APR Go
View All Loans

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Important Message Definda does not provide any financial advice. All information is provided for research purposes only. DeFi is a rapidly evolving industry. Most businesses in the sector are very young and it is possible that some of them could go out of business in the future. Such an event could result in the loss of your investment. You should do your own research or consult a financial advisor before investing any money. Please read and satisfy yourself with our terms before continuing to use our website. We offer a free impartial comparison service of savings, loans and other DeFi products. We may receive a small commission from some of the companies listed, but this never influences our rankings. If you spot any errors in the information listed then please contact us at

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